"OFF WE GO..."
Greetings to all of you who give a hoot about what Adrian and I are up to these days. For those who do NOT know, I am presently in the final stages of transitioning from working full-time for the ever-so-popular Christian recording artist, Ray Boltz, and into a new direction toward which God has been "tractor-beaming" me for quite some time now; full time missionary service. Now DON'T FREAK OUT... it's not quite what you may think. Please read our mission statement for specifics.
Though I am moving onward, I must say, my time with Ray has changed me forever and in deeper ways than most can imagine would be possible. What an absolutely fabulous experience I have had working for and getting to know an absolutely fabulous man. Honestly, catching such an eye opening perspective on "this side" of the Christian Music Industry (and from a guy so completely sincere about his "place" in it all) has probably saved my very life. It should go on public record, just how thankful I really am.
The departure has absolutely NOTHING to do with bitterness or discontent between Ray and I. It's just God's perfect timing... for both of us.
We are feverishly preparing to embark on our very first trip under the new "Fireside International" division of my previously established production company, Fireside Pictures - Motion Picture Company.
Through the wonderful leading of God and the overwhelming and generous support of GLOW Ministries International (special thanks to Phil Snyder for "shaking those bushes"), our journey is about to begin.
The planning has been as usual, completely challenged and threatened on every level and every turn of the way. It actually becomes funny after a while. From the threat of utilities being shut off to a mini van full of kids breaking down in the heart of downtown Chicago (and that's just the stuff I'm allowed to mention)... the attacks are coming from every angle.
Our hearts are growing more and more prepared as the date arrives. We do not worry for ourselves. But we are praying for God's protection for our children and other loved ones that we leave behind. From personal experience, I know just how unrelenting the attacks can be when folks are doing the will of the Lord. I cannot imagine why this case will be any different. Please, as you pray, remember our children and extended families in your prayers.
If you are looking for additional things to pray for concerning this specific trip, here is a brief list:
1. The poor of the world; that they will know love.
2. That we will clearly hear the voice of the Lord.
3. That we will be selfless enough to obey the Lord.
4. God's grace as we make mistakes.
We go willfully. We go with God. We go expecting direction and clarity. We expect God to ROCK OUR WORLD! Please join us in our expectations and do not hesitate to toss out a prayer or two for us as the days go by.
If our situation permits, I will post more to this board while we are in Haiti. If not, then a full report will be given upon our return. Thanks so much for your prayer and support! We'll see all of you again very soon.
God's Blessings,
Luke and Adrian